Stereotypes In The Millennials

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Stereotyped in popular media as whining, self-absorbed, narcissistic, overindulged and tech-addled, the Millennial generation - born 1980 through 2000 - is generally considered to be the epitome of spoiled unreasonableness. Now that Millennials are making strides in the workplace, it is evident that those stereotypes are based more on anecdotes rather than reality. In fact it now appears that they very much echo their Boomer parents, which is why they are often referred to as Echo Boomers. Simply put, where Boomers have an optimistic outlook of the world, Millennials are hopeful; where Boomer work ethic is driven, Millennials are determined; where Boomers have a love / hate relationship with authority, Millennials treat authority with politeness; where Boomers believe in leadership by consensus, Millennials believe in leadership by pulling together; and where personal gratification is the impetus for Boomer relationships, Millennials have no personal motivation for relationships which are inclusive and with no boundaries (Zemke, Raines & Filipczak, 2013).
As these Echo Boomers accumulate more time in the workplace, other generations are finding them to be far more thoughtful, complex and admirable based on real world experiences rather than media anecdotes intent on raising eyebrows and ratings. Based on the profound similarities that are surfacing about Millennials, their world view also appears similar to their parents as expressed in the Gestalt Prayer created in 1969 by Fritz Perls - Father of Gestalt - embraced by many of the Woodstock generation framed around the philosophy, which I (as a proud Boomer) have recently rediscovered:
“I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expecta...

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...nd research from past courses - not for the sake of expediency or laziness - but for the realization that each course has provided a beacon to light my way toward this passion project, further illuminating the path toward what I hope will culminate in a meaningful thesis project. If we take the time to understand and embrace the energy and talent of this influential generation charged with leading us through uncharted and turbulent waters of the 21st century by researching what kind of leadership they aspire to and connect with and whether a different leadership model - crafted from Gestalt methodologies - might better resonate , we may be in a better position to inform the path forward as OD professionals in designing and delivering relevant tools for dealing with the business turbulence of today by being attune to the needs of these future leaders of tomorrow.

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