'The Human As Securitization :' Humanitarianism As Referent Object?

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'The 'human' as referent object? Humanitarianism as securitization' is an interesting piece written by Scott Watson of the University of Victoria in Canada's political science department and is primarily a sociological piece versus what could have been, as in, looking at the issues of securitization through a more International Relations focused view. Watson is clear from the outset in what he wants to achieve in this article; he wants to contend that humanitarianism has the power to legitimise many extreme measures and identifies that the problem with humanitarianism is that it's ambiguity and manipulability are understood in the best possible way, by viewing the issue as a form of securitization. He identifies that securitizing discourses …show more content…

In the introduction Watson gives us brief summations of what securitization and humanitarianism were; further along in the piece we are introduced to a paragraph which discusses the influence of the Copenhagen school and that primary types of discourse that emerged from their theorisation of security; discussing how the school's sectoral approach captures how many political elites have the capacity to securitize a widening range of objects that could be deemed as referent and details how humanitarianism can function as a form of securitizing dialogue. Watson also discerns between humanitarianism as security versus societal and state security, in that humanitarianism, in it's most recent form, human security – is distinct from the aforementioned typed of security as they primarily around the concept of securing identity and securing the concept of sovereignty – human security's main focus is that in which it securitzes human life and human dignity over the interests of state and society and due to the usage by academics, humanitarian organisations and states has now lead to humanitarianism becoming a securitzing discourse that is loosely organised around the general concept of protecting and preserving human

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