Exploring Gender Expectations in Today's Society

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“Expect more from yourself than from others” (Ryan Ferreras). In our world today, people have high expectations for themselves but also for others. One might even argue and say that people expect more from others than they do from themselves. In the selection, “Bros Before Hos”: The Guy Code by Michael Kimmel, Kimmel emphasizes the expectations of being a guy and what to do to act masculine. But in our world, there are not just expectations for guys but also for girls. There are expectations on the way males and females talk, the way they act and the things they do, and about the things they are suppose to like.
There are many expectations on the way males and females are suppose to talk. As a baby and toddler one’s parents wants them to talk …show more content…

As a baby, parents want their child to begin moving around, crawl, and then eventually walk. Then, as they get older, they are expected to sit when going places and all day at school. They teach them the first couple years of their lives that it is okay to move around and then one day it switches and they are expected to sit all the time. Babies can also get away with about anything since people think it is just cute that they are even doing something. No matter what gender they are, they are allowed to cry, play with what they want, and talk whenever. But as children get older the expectations change. Boys are taught that it is not okay to cry because it shows signs of weakness. They are taught that they need to act strong and be respectful. They begin to act rowdy, loud, and joke around a lot. On the other hand, girls are allowed to show feelings, express their thoughts, be respectful, and be polite. They are usually quiet unless around other girls their age that they are friends with and then they begin to act loud and laugh a lot. As children get into their teenage years parents usually give them chores to do. In Kevin MacDonald’s article, he writes about how parents assign chores to their children based on their gender. Boys chores are usually to take the trash out, mow the lawn, and fix things around the house. Girls chores are to do household jobs such as cooking, cleaning, and doing the …show more content…

From the day they are born, parents play a huge role in socializing gender by giving their children toys to play with based on their gender. Boys are expected to like and play with toys such as trucks, cars, trains, and gross things like bugs and mud. Girls are expected to like anything pink, dolls, kitchen sets, and playing tea party with their dolls and stuffed animals. It is acceptable for girls to occasionally play with toys meant for boys but not vise versa. As they grow into their teenage years they are taught to like more things based on one’s gender. Kevin Macdonald writes, “boys like guns, boxing, wrestling and karate, team sports, and fixing things. Girls prefer dolls, sewing, cooking, dancing, and looking after younger children.” In their teenage years girls are not really suppose to like boy things and if they do they are seen as a tomboy. Through time though it has become more acceptable for girls to like a few guy things such as sports. As they become adults their expectations on what they like stays pretty much the same as teenage years. Men like things such as sports, cars, outdoor activities like hunting and fishing, and work. Women are expected to like things such as fashion (makeup, nails, clothes, shoes, etc.), cooking or baking, and doing

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