Gender Roles: Impact on Child Development

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“And it’s a girl!” The doctor tells the parents in the hospital room. The first thing to run through a person’s mind after hearing those words is the color pink. It 's common knowledge to people in American society that if someone is having a baby girl, it is standard to get them pink clothes and toys, and for boys it is typical to get these things in blue. From this moment on, children are already told what is expected of them when it comes to their gender. This has been tradition in society for decades, but it may have some negative effects on the children that arise from it. How children are raised in society, either with traditional or modern gender roles, will influence how they act when they are older. From birth, children are assigned …show more content…

Sure, the rooms that children grow up in are a start, but the color of a room can’t determine how they will act their entire lives. Gender roles are learned in various places, such as school, church, from parents, and on television. As a child, a common game to play is, “House.” It is easy to see that even early on, a little girl knows that she is the mother and stays home to take care of the baby while her husband goes off to work (“List of Gender Stereotypes”). It is believed that these behaviors are majorly learned from parents, but can also be taught through television. Many common t.v. shows highlight typical gender roles within the home, allowing children to believe that it is “normal.” This is not even the extent of where these behaviors are learned- many come from school as well. From an early age kids learn in school what famous men in history are famous for, and what famous women are famous for. Children also learn the typical occupations of men and women in history. Most women that are nurses or teachers, while the men are lumberjacks or politicians. These are just a few examples of how many places children are drowned with information about gender stereotypes, and the pressure there is to follow

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