The Good Food Revolution Summary

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The Good Food Revolution by Will Allen is about creating a healthy and safe community. It describes the process of growing fresh food in an urban environment, and also how doing so can be used to improve a community. It also describes the blessings and hardships of life as an an urban farmer. Will Allen, author of The Good Food Revolution, grew up in a farming family in 1949. As a child, he hoped to become a professional basketball player. While working towards this goal, he experienced segregation, which was still legal. Although hindered by this, he eventually did achieve his goal to become a professional basketball player, but soon after stopped playing basketball due to how his body suffered from it, and also because of how he had developed cancer. After leaving basketball, he became a fast food manager, but soon left that job for a more profitable position at Procter & Gamble. While working for Procter & Gamble, he also worked part time as a farmer. Although working at Procter & …show more content…

Growing Power’s owner Hope did not have the space to farm in, but she did have the managing skills to run an organization. Will and Hope became co-directors of Growing Power. Around the same time, Will was approached by a waste disposal organization who wanted to find a way to prevent food scraps from ending up in landfills. This led to compost supplies being collected and delivered to Will’s farm. Will began to look for sustainable growing systems. One that he found was Aquaponics, in which waste-water from fish in a tank is collected, used to fertilize plants, which filter it, and then piped back into the tank. Using this he was able to produce food in the winter. Additionally, he discovered a technology called Anaerobic Digestion where food waste is broken down and turned into both fertilizer and energy. He also worked on a vermiculture system, which uses worm droppings to create an effective

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