How Does Culture Affect Food Culture

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Introduction The interviewee that was questioned helped to collect and understand information with regards to food culture and food consumption based on changes through time. I interviewed a woman who lives near me who is in her early 60s who has lived in Canada her full life. Examining someone who has lived in Canada her full life was interesting because I was able to compare how food production and consumption has changed so much. Through looking at my interviewees food habits of when she was younger through up until now linking it to the concepts learned in class it helps to understand the ever-changing food culture. Alternative food movements are needed to help provide people with better choices because industrialized food and production …show more content…

Through the manufacturing and industrialization of foods many foods are made into frozen meals which are a lot easier to prepare. Pre-packaged frozen food that interviewee would eat she thought was semi healthy because it included a vegetable and meat or pasta. The price of the frozen food is something that she mentioned as well, these are a lot cheaper than buying fresh fruits and vegetables. The main ingredients that she found she used seemed to be a lot less healthy than what her mother would make her family for dinner. A lot of the main ingredients in meals prepared by her are pre-cooked or frozen foods such as vegetables and fruits which seem to lose their nutritional value (Scrinis, 2008). With living in a farming community, she tries to eat vegetables and fruits that are grown locally which helps to add some nutritional content to her food. One thing that the interviewee talked about during the interview was about the amount of packaging that is used today to help protect food to last longer on grocery store shelves. With grocery stores being so accessible and convenient it pushes a lot of people away from unpackaged and local foods. Interviewee believes that with grocery stores being so convenient and needing to provide food for multiple people the quality has decreased drastically. With having so much low quality food that is easily accessible it is pushing people’s health down which can be visibly seen according to the

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