The Glass-Steagal Act

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As Robert Samuelson said, "The real vulnerability is a highly complex and interconnected global financial system that might resist rescue and revival." (Samuelson, 2008, 35) This is in response to the economic crisis of 2008. The cause of these economic problems was the crash of the United States’ stock market. The stock market crash can be broken into three parts; factors that lead up to the crash, the events during the crash, and what occurred to try and contain the crisis after the crash. The crash of 2008 can also be compared to the 1929 crash that sent the country into the Great Depression. If you asked Mark Levinson, an economist, the crash was a result of a “failed 30 year economic social model.” (2009, 61) The blame can be assigned to two main groups’ politicians and large businesses on Wall Street. The result of politicians’ decisions allowed the businesses to make some of the bad decisions that they ended up making. When Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt created the New Deal he had a very important Act installed into the Deal. It was called the Glass-Steagal Act. The Glass-Steagal Act created a type of wall between investment banks and normal deposit banks. (Lal, 2010, …show more content…

When house prices started to fall in 2007 it caused some of the Wall Street banks to get into trouble. The first firm to be affected was Bear Stearns, an investment bank. Bear Stearns had two of their hedge funds go bankrupt in June of 2007. (Kirk, 2009) A hedge fund is a group of investors who invest in mostly borrowed money, such as the mortgage bundles. This exposed how many toxic assets Bear Stearns had and it started many rumors around Wall Street. In the morning of March 10, 2008 a rumor was started that Bear Stearns was running out of money. This caused Bear Stearns stock to drop for $171 to around $60 by the end of the day. (Kirk, 2009) At this point Bear Stearns had $18 billion in cash reserves. (Kirk,

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