Great Depression Causes

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The stock market crash is often viewed as the reason the Great Depression happened, but in the Crash Course History Video he clearly states that the stock market was not the cause. The Great Depression occurred to a great variety of things and had been slow progressing since the end of World War I. World War I set the motion to the Great Depression due to the severity of the impact the war had on the world. The lives lost in war caused a great decrease in consumer and work force. The real cause of the Great Depression could still be pinned on America. The reason being is due to the bank system. As it is said in Crash Course History Video, 8:06 “By the end of 1931, 2294 banks had failed”. When the banks couldn’t supply money banks went belly up, then when banks weren’t supplying money, jobs weren’t getting money to pay workers. When jobs didn’t have money they had to lay off workers. The accumulation of fewer jobs, less money, excess supply, and high unemployment caused the depression in America. When America went under the rest of the world was like a domino. World trade came to a halt, other …show more content…

“German unemployment had helped propel him to power” (Kagan, pg. 889). Hitler learned that he could not take control of Germany by force and so decided to do it legally. He rallied supporters from all kinds of people in Germany. With the rising unemployment, Hitler’s support grew. He slowly grew his Nazi faction and used them to take over Germany’s political system. He was able to rally many supporters by using the increasing depression as a pitch. By recruiting enough support in Germany he was able to secure enough votes to have Nazi occupy the political scene and once he rose to Chancellor of Germany he purged Germany of all his enemies. The President died shortly after causing Hitler’s position to be the highest in

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