The Fault In Our Stars: Grief Doesn T Change My Life

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“Grief does not change you. It reveals you.” - John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
All of us say we want to live everyday like it’s our last, but most of us are just talk. Living everyday like it was my last still wouldn’t compare to the times I’ve already lived to see. Why would I want to jump out of a plane when I’ve already walked hand in hand down paths with an angel? Why would I want to travel the world when I’ve already seen the love inside a pure heart? Living everyday like it’s your last will give you a temporary feeling of adrenaline, but learning to love everyday like it’s your last will give you the permanent feeling like eating McDonald’s with the most important person in your life. Sadly, I don’t remember the first day I met Goldie Baker (well, I was probably two so that explains no recollection), but I sure am glad my mom chose her to raise me. Growing up I spent everyday with Goldie (I’ll call her maw maw now for short), so she knew everything about me and she knew how much I loved a good trip to McDonalds. As a two year old and progressing to be raised by her since the first grade, I never quite realized how she had changed my life …show more content…

On --------- , I was the last person to feel my Maw Maw’s beating, living heart against me. Although this experience was traumatic, it was also life changing. It showed me that moving on into my adult life I needed to make a change. That’s when I decided to love everyday like it’s my last. Show love for everyone and overuse the phrase “I love you” because it can never be said enough. I changed as a whole person because I put my eyes on where I wanted to be, how I wanted to get there, and how to show the people with me that I love and appreciate them. I strive everyday to have a heart as pure and as full of love as Maw Maw’s was. Not very many people get to say they’ve been touched by an angel, but I am one of those lucky

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