The Ezekiel Role

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Ezekiel role was of a watchman, who must alert the people of Israel to the will of the Lord (Tullock, J. 2012). The watchman has an unbelievably important task of protecting his people (Tullock, J. 2012).This can be contrasted with the role assigned to Jeremiah, which seems to be that of the suffering servant (Tullock, J. 2012). Ezekiel preached a message of doom and judgment but his condemnations tend to emphasize the people’s idolatry and their moral impurity (Tullock, J. 2012). Ezekiel also made it clear that those who ignore the warnings are doomed. Those who heed will be spared, and in this, he sounds the theme of individual responsibility (Tullock, J., and McEntire, M. (2012). Ezekiel, no less than Jeremiah, sees the significance of the

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