The Epic Of Gilgamesh And Popol Vuh

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Creation texts and most early pieces of literature all share many of the same themes, mythology, and to an extent, the same characters. In the days that early texts like The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Bible, and Popol Vuh, epistemology was of high interest to many philosophers and writers. To answer the questions of “How did we get here,” “Why are we here,” “What do we do here,” and other ontological ponderings, texts like these were written to give some reason. One consistent theme from early literature and creation texts is that early people had the tragic flaw of a thirst for knowledge and a lack of willpower, which is shown in The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Bible, and Popol Vuh. Very little was known of the world before the 14th and 15th …show more content…

However, not much is needed to be able to analyze these writings, as they contain so much important content. All of the parts just described share similar content, not only do they all have a creation story, but the characters are all very similar. Lest start with the correlation between Gilgamesh and One and Seven Hunahpu. While Gilgamesh had a much different background and upbringing than the brothers Hunahpu, they reach the same fate. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is challenged by Utanapishti sleep test, where he must remain awake for a whole entire week, a seemingly impossible task. The failure of this leads to his ultimate demise. This is strikingly similar to the failure of One and Seven Hunahpu. The flaw with those three subjects, Gilgamesh and One and Seven Hunahpu, is that they could not control their desires. Much like Eve was not able to resist the forbidden fruit. The oppressing of a person more often than not leads to deviance and resistance. It s natural to want what you can not have, for Gilgamesh it was sleep, for the brothers Hunahpu it was the cigars, and for Eve it was the forbidden fruit. That is just our natural instincts. Also, because these texts are early texts, and in the case of The Bible and Popol Vuh, creation tales that are the driving force of cultures and religions, it is a representation of real

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