The Entertainment Industry In The 1920's

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During the roaring twenties, there were huge advances in the entertainment industry. Businesses were booming and Americans were developing a fondness for a new, faster type of lifestyle. It was a time for stepping out of the line and defying the social norms of previous times, especially for women and African Americans. Women were becoming more independent and gaining rights while African Americans were expressing a strong sense of their cultural individuality through music. The 1920’s were booming with new jazz music, dance styles, and Broadway musicals.
Jazz is a type of music that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century by black musicians and was developed mostly from ragtime and blues music. It was more than just a musical genre though, …show more content…

It was a fun, new type of entertainment and an important part in every party or club. While dancing became popular with the younger generation, the older, more conservative people saw the new dancing as indecent. This was because dancing heavily involved the moving of the upper body. “Shimmying” was where a woman would shake her torso and that was frowned upon by the older generation who thought it was not ladylike to be moving like that. Young people also began throwing their arms and legs in the air with reckless abandon and hopping or "toddling" every step in the Foxtrot, and soon every college student was doing a new dance which became known as the Toddle. (Scott) The dance that epitomized the 1920's was the Charleston. The Charleston was a new dance move, first introduced in a broadway musical, that is characterized by outward heel kicks combined with an up and down movement achieved by bending and straightening the knees in time to the music. (Scott) The great popularity of the Charleston inspired dance teachers and choreographers to promote and fabricate new dance fads for the public’s appeal. Another popular dance move was the Lindy Hop. The Lindy Hop was named after the pilot Charles Lindbergh’s first solo flight. It emerged and was the first dance that included swinging your partner into the air, as well as a jump sequence. All these new dance styles and moves were heavily promoted in movies and broadway musicals that were starting to be very popular

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