Entertainment In The 1920's Essay

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After World War I, America was going through an uplifting time of good fortune and prosperity. This period of freedom, known as The Roaring Twenties was a time for fun and disobeying rules. The 1920s brought new and exciting things to American culture. Music, entertainment, pop culture, and fads were greatly impacted during this time in history. The effects of each of these areas still influences America today.
During the 1920’s music was very important to the people and exacerbated racial tensions in the postwar period (citation). The music industry began to take off because new technology started making it easier to produce and share music around.
Entertainment in the 1920s began changing after World War I. Because people had more money and were more prosperous, they were able to go to theatres, clubs, and sporting events. Although the greatest form of entertainment had been motorcars, it was a form of freedom that people had never experienced. Sports began to become more popular. “Baseball became popular with the great mass of people for the first time”(Fischer). Because of another form of entertainment gaining popularity, the radio made it easier for fans to keep up …show more content…

Jazz music was founded by African Americans ,but was formed in New Orleans ,Louisiana. However, fashion was so different based on the influence of the jazz age it is also important to the Americans where it came from.It also used to help people with spiritual work and social activity. Radio was most played or used in the 1920s. It also helped in different culture to produce on radio stations.Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio, his creation brought multiple events into millions of homes.Westinghouse company started radio in Pennsylvania(Boland). Economy benefited women by living together to not have many kids. Generation age during the First World War but it had so much peace and

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