The Effects of Changing Technology on Shopping Trends and Social Behavior of Customers

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The Effects of Changing Technology on Shopping Trends and Social Behavior of Customers

1.1 Application Area


1.2 PESTLE Perspective


1.3 Research Topic Question

How has technology changed and affected shopping trends and the social

behaviour of customers?

2.0 Preface/Abstract

The purpose of this report is to analysis the PESTLE analysis; this

report will contain one context of an Application Area, and then

choose a research question based on both. In this case am talking

about the social aspect and the retailing area. I will also being

looking at how IT technology has changed shopping trends and how its

affects the social behavior of customers.

I will also be talking about several issues that answer my research

question, mainly talking about the social perception of things. As

that is my main area of interest. I will cover such issues as credit/

debit, on-line shopping, bar code scanners, customer shopping trends,

and many more issues that are related to IT technology and retailing

and social factors.

2.1 Introduction

Aim of this project is to construct an individual report, relating IT

impacts to customers and then relating it to their behavior and how

technology has affected their behavior, looking mainly at the negative

aspects of their life. Having the latest technology innovations has

improved the image of many large and small organizations and in some

aspects the living standards of some people too.

After the construction of this report, I expect the readers to obtain

a clear view of how IT impacts are linked to customer shopping and how

that affects their social behavior as well.

3.0 The ICT industry

The ICT industry has grown very fast, over the years, these days

everything is being done on the commuters, and not manually anymore.

The ICT industry is a permanent state of evolution; it’s always

continuously changing. The product cycles seems to be getting shorter

and shorter. Customers are demanding faster response times for

delivery and repairs, and there is a consistent requirement for a

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