How Does Technology Affect Our Community

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Advancements in technology have been a leading contributor in shaping the world to what it is today, enabling us with many new techniques at which we can communicate. These technological improvements such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, and social networking sites have come to life at our fingertips, enriching communities with new advances and new approaches for communication. Technological improvements have demolished the barrier among us, allowing us to communicate with anyone in the world more directly and quickly. Technology is rapidly augmenting unity amidst communities, ultimately making people aware of events occurring around them. These communities consist of people who care about each other’s well-being, and these individuals lend a helping hand when others are in need. Technology has benefited communities, prompting them to expand beyond their boundaries and convey a new, prominent meaning beyond the general definition. Advanced technology has allowed people to become more informed and involved in their communities, while creating new relationships with others. According to a survey conducted among teenagers, “those who used their smartphones for social media like Google+ or Twitter knew more people and were more …show more content…

There might be some negative effects of technology, but those do not outweigh the positive ones. As a result of new technology, people now can be more aware of what is taking place in their community, be involved in community events and organizations, and get accurate news updates on their cell phones or tablets. Technology can be used to communicate with loved ones who live hundreds of miles away, and can also provide a peace of mind for families. Citizens of all countries need to realize that technology benefits everyone and that it is a vital part of our

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