Advantages and Disadvantages of Technological Advancement

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How did technology affect us? Did it affect us in a positive or a negative way? Technology has both positive and negative effects, it’s plainly about how people choose to use it. Throughout these years, technology has been a great advancement for our country and it helped us develop in many ways that we can’t even count. Technology has its advantages as well as its disadvantages, some of the advantages are that it makes connecting to people much easier, simpler and in addition, it makes our everyday life simpler in ways people 50 years ago never imagined it would. Not only that, it makes life much more fun and convenient. Now, tackling disadvantages, technology has led us humans into creating weapons of mass destruction and turned us into mindless irresponsible creatures who depend on machines to build everything and get everything for us, forgetting the consequences of health issues such that affect us personally and the ecosystem as a whole. Like everything out there, needless to say, technology has advantages and disadvantages, and we shouldn't forget that the advantages overshadow the disadvantages. Let us not forget that it helped us know achieve and made cultural interactions much easier. Technology has changed every aspect in our lives; it changed our means of travel, interacting with people as well as food preparation! Wherever you look you can find a transportation device, when you go out you can find a car, a bus or even a plane flying over your house, almost everyone in the world uses one of these on a daily basis, whether he was going to the grocery store or work. The Internet, which was invented due to technology, helps us connect to people around the world in a matter of seconds. Connecting to people has never been e... ... middle of paper ... or people sitting in cafes with their laptops. It's extremely sad how technology demolished any sense of human interaction. About 10 years ago, we didn’t have access to social networks or all of what the internet that currently serves youngsters. Back in the day, if you wanted to meet new people you had to go to school or to parks to find people your age who can be possible friends. I personally believe that technology is the key to success; it made countries all around the world grow from what some people thought to be uneducated into more developed and modernized countries. Without technology we wouldn’t have gotten this far, we wouldn’t have a simple and convenient life or even met new people from around the world. Technology is what everyone needs for a better life, but in order for it to benefit, we need to use it in the correct manner and not exploit it.

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