The Effects Of White Flight

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There have been many different studies that focus particularly on white flight, and the effects of it. Many studies, particularly focus on reasons why it happened, and rarely on the effects of it. This particular paper will focus on the effects of white flight. It will mainly focus on certain effects such as crime and income levels within urban areas. White flight is the movement of white people, especially middle class white people, from inner city neighborhoods undergoing racial integration to the suburbs (, 2016). White flight was a movement or process that started after World War II. Not only did the process of white flight began, but it was also the birth of suburbanization (Boustan, 2010). Basically, white flight and
As mentioned earlier, white flight is referred to as a process in which whites decided to move out and create their own neighborhoods, such as the suburbs. Once all of the white working population and middle class blacks moved on, all that was left were the predominantly lower income blacks. This particular process contributed to the creation of the “ghetto”. The word “ghetto”, can have many different meanings, such as a black residential area, or it can be referred to an area for the poor (Massey & Denton, 1993). Basically, a ghetto is a neighborhood or neighborhoods, which is only made for one particularly group of race (Massey & Denton,
By creating the ghettos, African Americans were residential separated from other races. These ghettos were created to keep the African American race down. When it comes to income, most black families who lived in these certain areas were unemployed and very poor (William, 1980). Most of the jobs that were available, were far away from the ghetto, and the blacks didn’t have the requirements that were needed for that particular job. When blacks were to look for a job, it wasn’t easy because they would have to deal with racial discrimination, which was another reason why they continued to be

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