The Effects Of Same Sex Marriage On Children

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Same-sex marriage is something that is not currently accepted by most of society, especially in Catholics, Christians and others. In the decade of 1970 begin to emerge in the United States marriages of the same sex. Today there are many views, which are analyzed on same-sex marriage. It has been considered through the impact it could have on children, in religions as well as in the freedom and equality in society. Today there are many studies which show that children of same-sex families are healthier and have better care than children of different- sex marriages. These studies are based on the assumption that in every home where love reigns, understanding and respect, a child always will have well educated. In the year 2008 President Barack Obama gave a speech, where support same-sex marriage. However, there is a large majority in society that says that children of same-sex couples are negatively motivated by family architectures in that have grown. Households with different-sex marriages are those that the government continues to recognize as the ideal home for marriage, these...

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