The Effects Of Portuguese Colonization In Mozambique

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For over 500 years Mozambique was under complete Portuguese domination, which left the Mozambican economy underdeveloped and distorted. In general, Portuguese colonization was characterized by brutal use of coercive force to extract goods and service to the indigenous people impacting greatly on the relations and production within the Mozambique society.
Compared to other European nations, Portugal had many economical and human limitations, giving the imperativeness of effective occupation advocated at the Berlin conference (1884/1885), Portugal was obliged to use different colonization strategies. Following the British and French experience, the Portuguese colonization system opted for the creation of “Majestic Companies” about 2/3 of the Mozambican territory was under the administration of different companies; in the central region of the country (Mozambique Company); at Zambezia province (Zambezi Company) and at the Northern region of the country (Niassa Company). The southern region was left under the direct Portuguese government administration having most of its capital from E...

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