Negative Affects of Imperialism in Africa in the 19th Century

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Throughout history, imperialism by one nation on another has had many negative influences on the nation being colonized. The legacy of European imperialism in Africa in the 19th century was negative. Imperialism negatively affected Africa politically, economically, and culturally. In terms of political changes, European imperialism negatively affected Africa. Firstly, European colonization created enormous conflict between colonists and the African people. African resistance to “The Scramble for Africa” lead to the instability of Africa’s political structure. There was ineffective resistance of the African people against the Europeans. In an attempt to regain their independence, Africans took up arms against their colonial masters as soon as they perceived them to be at a disadvantage. In southern Africa, in The Republic of Namibia, the Herero people rose against German rule in 1904, killing over 100 German settlers and traders. German commander, General von Trotha, retaliated with a war aimed simply at extermination. This resulted in the decline of 70% of the Herero population.1 Nowhere else was colonialism quite so brutal, but almost everywhere it tended towards unrestrained brutality as soon as it was challenged.2 Warfare created considerable unrest among African people. Afterwards, the people of Africa came to the realization that the consequences of resistance against European colonists could be devastating. As well, the Europeans demonstrated that they had the technology and resources to gain control. Secondly, colonial expansion changed the face of Africa’s political structure. The Berlin Conference of 1884-85, attended by 13 European nations and the USA, set the ground rules for partition of Africa. When the conferenc... ... middle of paper ... ... Cambridge Encyclopedia of Africa. Ed. Roland Oliver. 1. New York: Trewin Copplestone Books Limited, 1984. Print. Hastings, Adrian. “A Variety of Scrambles: 1890-1920.” The Church in Africa 1450-1950 (1994): 395. History Reference Center. 2010 EBSCO Industries, Inc. Web. November 19, 2010 . “Licence to colonise.” New African Vol. 1.492 (2010): 14. History Reference Center. 2010 EBSCO Industries, Inc. Web. November 10, 2010 . Mazrui, Ali. The Africans: A Triple Heritage. Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1986. Print. Moshweshewe, Mark. “Moshweshewe: Letter to Sir George Grey, 1858 [The establishment of Basutoland].” Modern History Sourcebook. 1998. Paul Halsall. Web. November 11, 2010 .

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