The Effects Of Incest Sexual Abuse On The Incest

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Incest can have a serious effect on those who have been through such a traumatic event. The time it takes to heal from incest sexual abuse on a child has been proven to have serious effect on the child. Every member in a child’s family is supposed to be a support to the child. A child naturally will be willing to trust their brother, sister, mother, father, or any other relative. They should be able to trust that one family member will not hurt them. When incest occurs, this trust that child has for the perpetrator is breached. Being that a child’s number one support system, their family, has betrayed them causes a major impact on them. Some of these effects include shame and self-hate, questioning of their own sexuality, and mental illnesses. In some cases, suicide is an extreme outcome.
When a child is incestuously sexually abused, all trust they have for the perpetrator is most times gone. Being abused by someone close to you can cause one to have trust issues. Not only for the one doing the act, but also maybe a parent. This could happen definitely if a non-abusing parent is in the home where the abuse takes place. A parent’s number one job is to protect their children. A child might view the situation …show more content…

Studies show that sometimes when a female is incestuously abused by a male, as an adult, she may not want to be around men. Being a victim of incest, as mentioned before, can be very traumatic on a person. Just being around someone the same sex as your abused could be a trigger for you. Even if the perpetrator’s sex is opposite of the victim’s, one being unsure of their sexuality after the abuse can happen. For example, if a male was a victim of incest while he was young, by another male, he may grow up and want to engage in sexual relationships with other men because of this

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