The Effectiveness of Customer Service in ASDA

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The Effectiveness of Customer Service in ASDA

Every business organisation has good and bad customer service; there

are many Disadvantages to Bad customer service and many Advantages to

Good Customer Service.

Below is a list of Asda’s Good Customer Service requirements:

§ Polite and Efficient Staff

§ Good Communication skills

§ Minimum Paperwork and Redtape

§ Efficient Responses to Enquiries

Here is a list of Bad Customer Service requirements:

§ Bad Communication Skills

§ Not dealing with Complaints

§ Poor help from staff

§ Slow Responses to letters or calls

Its is ideal for Asda to follow the first set of points on Good

Customer Service requirements as it can help make Asda successful and

give it a greater reputation and more annual turnovers.

Here are some points on the effectiveness of Good Customer Service:

§ Customers will keep returning to Asda to shop there constantly

§ Customers will spread a good word about Asda’s service

§ Polite and efficient staff will make customers happy

§ Asda will be given a good reputation

§ Products of the Asda store will be of high quality and this will

attract more customers.

Here are some points on the effectiveness of Bad Customer service:

§ Asda will gain a bad reputation

§ Poor quality products will mean customers will go elsewhere

§ Customers will go elsewhere if there is bad customer received

§ Unhelpful staff will make the business look bad and unorganised

§ If customers do not get responses from letters or any other form

then they will leave Asda and shop at another supermarket outlet.

As you can see from the points above it is vital to give good customer

service, if no form of good customer service is given then customers

will lose interest in that supermarket. So Asda must make sure that to

keep every customer happy they must respond with efficiently and

without to much fuss.

Asda have many company objectives and they helpful because they set

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