The Effect of Temperature on Corroding Marble Chips

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The Effect of Temperature on Corroding Marble Chips

What do you want to find out?


I want to find out the effect temperature on corroding marble chips.

What scientific knowledge might be useful in planning your


Calcium Carbonate is the marble, which when it has hydrochloric acid

added to it will produce calcium chloride, water and carbon dioxide.

The chemical equation for this is:

CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2. An increased temperature means that

the hydrogen ions in the acid will move faster, leading to more

collisions and more successful collisions. The more successful

collisions there are the greater the rate of reaction.

From what you already know what to you think will happen?


I predict that the higher temperatures will speed up the reaction

time. I think this because the hydrogen ions will get more energy from

the higher temperatures and move faster. This will allow them to

collide more often, and therefore more successful collisions.

What factors will you control during your investigation?


¨ Size of the conical flasks

¨ The size and mass of the marble chips (2 grams)

¨ The time intervals (20 seconds)

When I do the temperature experiment I will keep the concentration

experiment the same.

What factors will you change during the investigation?


In the temperature experiment I will change the temperature.

What observations/measurements are you going to make and over what

range? How will you make these measurements accurate?

I will measure the amount of gas produced every 20 seconds. For the

temperature experiment I will use a range of temperatures, 0°C, 10°C,

20°C, 40°C and 60°C. I will repeat each experiment for each


How will you present your results?


I will present my results in tables and on two line graphs as shown



Volume of gas (cm³)

Text Box: Volume of gas (cm³)


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