Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Rate of a Reaction

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Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Rate of a Reaction


Magnesium + Hydrochloric acidà magnesium chloride + hydrogen

Mg+2HCl à MgCl2 + H2

This is the reaction I will use for my investigation into the effect

of temperature on the rate of a reaction.

I will increase the temperature and measure the volume of gas given

off over a period of time.

I have chosen to use temperature instead of concentration because I

believe it will create better results and make an easier experiment.


I believe that when the temperature is increased the particles energy

will increase there for creating more collisions between the magnesium

and the acid. In effect increasing the speed of the reaction.

Preliminary work:

After doing various experiments in my preliminary work I decided to


-20ml of 2HCl

-20ml of H2O

-5cm of magnesium ribbon

-Starting temperature of 20o

-+10o for each experiment

-4 experiments

-time is measured until the gas syringe reaches 50ml



1. I will set up the equipment as in the diagram. Making sure that

all equipment is secure and air tight

2. I will heat up the water and hydrochloric acid solution and then

take its temperature to make sure the Bunsen burner doesn't heat

up the thermometer.

3. then I will place the 5cm of magnesium ribbon into the solution

and put the bung into the flask ensuring it is air tight.

4. I need to make sure the gas syringe is at 0 and I use the timer

to time how long the syringe takes to reach 50ml of gas given off.

5. I will need to do the same experiment 5 times increasing the

temperature 10o each time. Then I will repeat the same experiment

3 times

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