The Easter Egg Lester A Coward Quotes

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What defines a coward? More importantly, how does one categorize another as a coward? Cowards are usually defined by their actions. If one is cowardly, then they lack the trait of being brave. A specific individual named Lester from the short story, “The Easter Egg”, was labeled and well known for being a coward. He was skittish around animals, and he did not favor firearms. Lester demonstrated simple acts of safety rather than acts of cowardliness, therefore, when lives become endangered and the moment is right, Lester is the bravest soul. Being from a brave family, it is difficult to consider that Lester would be a coward. However, maybe the fact of the matter is, Lester is a different kind of brave than the other members of his family. As there would be controversy on how someone would define a coward; there would be an argument on how one would categorize a courageous body. Lester believes in being safe and that is made evident when he was being described. “…and never crossed the Channel without mentally comparing the numerical proportion of life belts to passengers.” (Munro) Some would consider the intelligence of how to stay away from danger to be brave. The outcome of the situation would remain the same rather he went into the …show more content…

Lady Barbra unwillingly accepted the opinion that her son possessed weaknesses that displayed an identity of a coward. “Lady Barbara no longer pretended not to see her son's prevailing weakness; with her usual courage she faced the knowledge of it squarely, and, mother-like, loved him none the less.” (Munro) When Lester proved his bravery to his mother, he made the ultimate sacrifice and saved the lives of many. This one act of pure bravery changed the vision that Lady Barbra held of her son. He was not remembered as a coward, but as the superlative

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