The Disreputable History Of Frankie Landau-Banks: Chapter Analysis

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In the novel The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, the salad bar prank was mean spirited and an embarrassing to the Alabaster. The salad bar prank was a prank planned by Frankie, but executed by the Basset Hounds, a secret all male society on campus. However, the Basset Hounds are under the impression their leader, Alpha, is planning the pranks, when in reality Frankie is. Before the salad bar prank, she was the mastermind behind the library lady prank, doggies in the window prank, and night of a thousand dogs prank. The salad bar prank consisted of convincing all of the students to support a healthy eating day, to raise awareness of their gross salad bar. ** The prank was mean spirited because in the process, they embarrassed an …show more content…

The salad bar prank is therefore embarrassing to the school because the principal did not have control over the culprits of the rebellion. The prank is also mean spirited because there were other respectful ways of accomplishing the same goal. The goal of this rebellion was to improve the salad bar at Alabaster. They accomplished this goal by protesting against the current salad bar, and ordering a giant assortment of vegetables in a shape of a basset hound. The principal then later presents a speech in response to the prank, “ Richmond gave a tedious speech at the next week’s Chapel meeting, explaining that there were appropriate and inappropriate ways to express a desire for change in one’s community… neither one should involve the mockery of invited guest lecturers, or the delivery of perishable foods to public spaces at inopportune times” (274). In the quote, the principal is attempting to show the students there were less disruptive tactics to accomplish their goal, and he is frowning upon their disrespectful actions. He says this because he does not want these actions to take place at Alabaster

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