The Dimensions Of My Identity

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The dimensions of my identity that are among the most important to who I am are: daughter, granddaughter, sister, auntie, and partner, American, and female. A time that I felt especially proud to be associated with being a sister would be the day my little brother joined the Army. My father was in the Army for the first six years of my life. We were taught respect and honor for everyone no matter what. When my brother joined I was so proud of him, especially since his MOS was in intelligence, he has always been smart and is now able to use his talents in a place that needs him. It can be hard at times being a sister of someone who is in the Army especially when he goes off to the middle east which has happened twice now, however, knowing that he is serving his country and is doing something that he loves helps.
A time that was uncomfortable to be a daughter was when my mom tried her last suicide attempt. It was a week before my 22 birthday and my boyfriend and friend were at the house. My mom had been upset for a few days and was feeling bad about herself. I was in her room trying to talk to her when she ran to the kitchen and put all her sleeping pills in her …show more content…

This assignment relates to diversity and cultural competence as discussed in the reading because it allows me to think about my own diversity and how they are the same and different than others. This assignment also opened my eyes to the different issues on diversity can affect such as the issues of minorities not being represented fairly in the research on mental health since many do not have health insurance and/or cannot afford to go to a mental health specialist (Manderscheid, Brown, Milazzo-Sayre, & Henderson, 2002). By learning from the assignment about the products of my culture I can look at my exposure, attitudes, and lived experiences (Hastings,

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