The Different Aims of Sentencing

506 Words2 Pages

The Different Aims of Sentencing

There are a number of reasons why a society punishes offenders. These

include, among others, to discourage the offender from committing

further crimes (individual deterrence), to help the offender, so that

he or she won’t offend again (rehabilitation), to prevent the offender

from committing further crimes through imprisonment (incapacitation)

and to show society’s disapproval of the crime (denunciation).

Retribution is to punish on the premise that it is a payback for the

offence (Retribution carries with it the notion of “Do the crime, do

the time”)

Reparation is aimed at compensating the victim of the crime usually by

ordering the offender to pay order to make restitution.

Deterrence can as stated individual it can also be general sentence.

Individual deterrence is intended to insure that the offender does not

re-offend through fear of future punishment. General deterrence is

aimed at preventing other potential offenders from committing crimes.

Both are aimed at reducing future l...

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