Pros And Cons Of Sentencing

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I believe we can all look at the reasoning behind the formation of the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC) and agree it’s a good idea to have consistent penalties for crimes. Obviously, try to be fair and consistent, is the right thing to do. Many of us grew up with sibling or have children and understand the importance of this. If one child is treated differently, it becomes a big issue. This could also lead to perceived favoritism, or bias. As we know, this also carries into the work place and is seen the same way when bosses treat employees differently. Although these situations can cause us grief, they don’t typically have a long term impact our lives. However, those decisions that do affect us, such as disciplinary action at work or school, are usually covered in policies. For example, if you are late for work more than twice in a twelve month period you are subject to disciple. For your first occurrence, you will receive a Written Reprimand, which will stay on your record for two years. If you receive a second occurrence within the two years, you will receive a one day suspension without pay; and so on. These rules are established to ensure everyone is aware of the rules and that discipline is administered fairly and consistently. …show more content…

Due to large discrepancies and varying opinions on crimes, the USSC was established in 1984. By November of 1987, the USSC had introduced the sentencing guidelines. These guidelines are an attempt to prevent the large discrepancies within the criminal justice sentencing and remove the opinions of judges based on their own perceptions and

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