The Difference Between Abstract Words And Concrete Words

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Good diction hits what you’re trying to say right on the mark, and helps the reader understand precisely whatever point you’re trying to make. Words that are considered “good diction”, fit perfectly in one’s writing when it comes to the crowd’s reaction, the subject, and whatever the intent is behind the paper. “Denotation is the dictionary meaning of a word-it’s literal meaning.” (Rose 287), while “Connotative meanings are the associations or emotional overtones that words have acquired” (287). An example of denotative and connotative meanings, is that the word “home denotes a place where someone lives, but it connotes warmth, security, family, comfort, affection, and other more private thoughts and images” (287). Another example, is that …show more content…

Some abstract words are love, wisdom… and liberty” (288). “Concrete words refer to things we can touch, see, hear, smell, and taste, such as sandpaper” (288) It is important to avoid clichés, because “The italicized expressions were once vivid and colorful, but through constant use they have grown stale and ineffective” (289). Writers today, “strive to use fresh language” …show more content…

These terms are often used when setting up a broadcast for either some kind of sports game or event. The term “roger”, let’s the person on the other line know you heard them. Most other fields, would likely communicate using an entire phrase, instead of just one word. The other term, “stand-by”, is used to let other people in the station know you’re waiting. That might entail you’re waiting to hear back from another broadcasting location, or that you’re computer programs are trying to refresh. This term is used in other fields, but it’s not something you usually hear during everyday life. The difference between informal and formal writing, is that “informal writing tends to be characterized by slang, contractions, references to the reader, and concrete nouns. Formal writing tends to be impersonal, abstract, and free of contractions and references to the reader. Formal writing and informal writing are the extremes” (289). The definition of Tone, “ iis the attitude a writer takes toward the subject and the audience. Tone is conveyed by the voice we use to express ourselves in our writing”

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