What Does Pain Mean To You Essay

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There are many abstract terms that are present in the English language that everyone uses every day. These are words that have no concrete meaning, just a meaning that people have given them over time. The meaning of these words might even change depending on the circumstance or the person who is using it. An example of an abstract term would be the word “pain.” Pain is an experience that occasionally is just an inconvenience and people could ignore it shortly after it happened, but pain is usually something that ultimately prevents someone from moving forward in their life. Pain is an experience that causes someone to feel something they don’t want to. Whenever someone is injured, they feel something is wrong with themselves. The greater …show more content…

Immediately after I broke it, I thought I just jammed it because I really didn’t feel anything at the beginning. I didn’t even notice that my bone was partly sticking out of my skin. Once I glanced down and saw my bone, the amount of discomfort I was feeling increased dramatically. I couldn’t imagine how bad my finger was feeling. It was an overwhelming sense in my mind because it was all I could think about. I felt like I was about to throw up and my finger was about to fall off. It felt like my finger was on fire and hot needles were stabbing the inside of my finger. My finger kept trying to make itself known by finding more ways to hurt me. It started throbbing after a few minutes and that made it even worse. The fire that was burning my finger heated up and cooled down at irregular intervals to make me feel even worse. Also, the needles stopped stabbing me for a few seconds, and then they stabbed me even harder. Every time I felt like it was getting better, it was really getting worse and I felt like throwing up even more. I was extremely miserable and my finger felt so bad that I felt like I was about to die any second. I was clutching my hand in an attempt to make my finger stop hurting even though I knew it was not going to help. I couldn’t stop crying because of how bad my finger being broken felt. I desperately wished it would stop hurting, but it never did. The needles continued to …show more content…

They feel like someone ripped their heart out and they could never love again. They feel empty inside because they will never again have the chance to talk to their loved one. They might even imagine that their love one will walk through the door in a few minutes and that nothing has happened because they are in denial. They might even start to feel like they are helpless because there was nothing they could do to save their loved one. They start thinking about their own mortality and the fact that there is nothing they could do to stop death. Death comes to everyone at random times. It doesn’t care if it is supposed to be the best time of your life, it will still come and take you. They might even welcome death coming to take them because they feel like their life is pointless without that person and wish they could see their loved one again. This is the same for anyone who loses someone they cared about because they regret all the time that they didn’t spend with their loved one and wish they could get it back. Even though visiting a psychic is pointless because they can’t really talk to spirits, they might visit one because they want to be reassured that their loved one is fine or just have some more time to talk with their loved

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