The Development of Europe and Western Culture

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The Development of Europe and Western Culture The development of Europe and Western Culture are highlighted by five key dates. The main four key dates and there are as follows: 500 B.C. is known as the Height of Greece. This is the time frame when distinctive European culture had emerged in Greece. It is also known as the Axis Date because the fundamental's of the great world cultures are being defined. During this period of time, Alexander the Great conquered the Persia and became the Great King of Persiah Empire. After his death from a fever, his empire break into pieces almost immediately. As his followers divided and began to argue for power, classical Hellenism was modified by Asian influences and they became Hellenism. 500 A.D. is known as the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages is the name traditionally given to the period in European history from the fall of the Roman Empire in the west to the coronation of Charlemagne, or sometimes to the 10th century. The term has also been used to denote the entire Middle Ages down to the Renaissance. Modern historians avoid using the term because of its value﷓laden implications of barbarism and intellectual darkness. The role of the church during this time period was as a leader. The church took the leadership role because everyone needed something new. Church became international and a democratic institution. The medieval man felt that all men are equal in the sight of God and that all are equal in the sight of God and that even the humblest has an infinite worth. If a man had to work, this was not to degrade him but it was a source dignity. Having a job was to be able to take of his family and necessities. A person's property and family was to be used to gra... ... middle of paper ... ...ves. They would work their slaves to death before they would be nice to them. What ever was more profitable was the goal of the Europeans. The open of plantations in America was a real stimulus to the slave trade. The plantations created an urgency for labor needs. Millions and millions were imported to America. Many of the imports were due to casualties of mistreatment. Our fore fathers experienced the cruelty of barbarians. Barbarians are members of a people considered by those of another nation or group to have a primitive civilization. They were of a fierce, brutal, and cruel person. The ugly side of the barbarians are there cruelty, insensitive, uncultured person and uncaring nature. The best adjective that I can think of to describe them is to call them a boor. They burned homes and left children and families homeless time and time again.

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