The Destruction Of Amy's Identity In Gone Girl

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Nick is far from being the loving husband he once was. Everything he does now, people turn in into something related to Amy and how he is the one that killed her, when in reality she is still alive and hiding. In Gone Girl, Amy starts framing Nick to make everyone believe that he killed her. She changes her appearance by cutting and dyeing her hair, and staying in a cabin that is considered “the middle of no where.” After Amy was gone for about 40 days she reappeared at Nick’s house, but now he does not want anything to do with her. Throughout the book some evaluations have been made about how the truth of Amy’s disappearance has affected Nick, Amy’s identity is not what people think it is, and as a result of Amy’s actions, Nick does not feel the same love towards her as he did when they got married. …show more content…

The law enforcement and community are adversaries to Nick because they believe Nick killed Amy, but the truth is, she is hiding. It is evident that she knows what she is putting Nick through when she claims: “When I died, I’d be known as That Woman Who Faked Her Death and Framed Her Husband, You Remember” (Flynn 285). The weeks go on and the truth still remains a mystery to everyone. Everything Nick does people twist his actions or words to make him look even more like the good guy gone ☺ (Alliteration) bad. Nobody knows the truth so they make stuff up, which makes Nick’s life miserable. If the truth would just come out and people did not jump to conclusions right away Nick would be able to tell his side of the story rather than the media making it up for

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