Daisy's Time In The Great Gatsby

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Both Nick and Jordan Baker attended Gatsby’s party and were asked to meet him. While there, Gatsby speaks in private to Jordan and tells her that he and Daisy were young lovers in the past but now he is trying to court her, despite her marriage. Instead of telling Nick himself, Gatsby has Jordan explain the situation to him. Much later, when Jordan finally tells Nick the perspective of the novel changes from Nick to Jordan. She begins her explanation in a flashback and describes Daisy in the past as read in the quote. She explains how Daisy was very popular often got calls from young officers, then proceeds to say how she saw her with Gatsby before he left for war. She continues her flashback describing past occurrences with Daisy that are now in a new light, until she finally concludes by telling Nick that he must invite Daisy over for tea. The purpose of this request from Gatsby is for him to visit Nick’s home, at the same time while she is there, allowing them to reunite. b. How does the car in the passage help build …show more content…

Jordan describes her as “the most popular of all the young girls in Louisville” (74) and having “all day long the telephone rang in her house and excited young officers from Camp Taylor demanded the privilege of monopolizing her” (74). This shows that she was very much desired by many people, one of which is Gatsby. Also, Daisy is often associated with the color white, which symbolizes purity and perfection. The color gives Daisy an image of flawlessness which in turn causes her to be popular and attractive to the younger men. Daisy’s car is also described as white, which only enhances this image of perfection. She is wearing white, which promotes her image, but with the car, it is shown that both her and her possessions are pure and as a result she attracts many people. The white of her dress and her car gives her an otherworldly appearance that comes across as

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