Definition Essay On True Love

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What is Love How many people could answer the question, what is love? True love comes in many different forms, and the truth that all love is different can hold a person back from finding the love of their life. Everyone has their own idea of true love that no one else can truly understand or relate to. The word love has many meanings and each person in the world has his/her own definition of what he/she believes love is. Some people do not understand that a person’s definition of love can change over time, and changing their own personal definitions of love is normal. The book Remix points out the fault in the assumption that true love is forever. The text of the book proves this assumption wrong by contradicting it with examples of high …show more content…

People show affection through spoken and written language, physical contact, and body language. Some people may think having nicknames for their significant other is cute, but on the reverse side some people prefer to be addressed by their first name. Some people are very shy about their feelings and do not prefer to share their feelings with others, while others think that complimenting their significant others constantly will make them feel more appreciated and loved. Another way that people show affection is through physical contact. Everyone prefers different forms of physical contact. Some people prefer to hold hands while others prefer to link arms. Resting a hand on someones leg, putting an arm around a back, holding hands, hugging, and kissing are just a number of the different forms of physical contact that people associate with love. It was said in the movie The Little Mermaid, “Don’t underestimate the power of body language.” A majority of the population overlooks the importance that body language has on relationships (Clements). Small things like eye contact, active listening, leaning towards the speaker, and smiling can show affection. There are various ways to show affection and love because each person has his/her own unique set of preferences and …show more content…

For example, in teenage years a person is looking for someone that shares common interests with them and someone they enjoy being around. However, once they grow older, family might become more important so a person would look for someone they can picture themselves starting a family with. Another concern that might change a person’s idea of love is his/her faith. When people are younger faith does not seem like a big deal, but once grown up they might decide they want to find love with someone that has the same faith as theirs. It is normal for people’s ideas of true love to change over time. Even when someone has been in a relationship for several years, the relationship will change. In The End of the Affair the author says, “ things change once you’ve been together for more than 10 years. They rarely make movies about long-term couples, and for a good reason (Sedaris).” This passage from this essay demonstrates how love over time changes because some couples do not feel the excitement they once used to. Couples in long-term relationships have to think outside of the box to keep their relationships from becoming boring. Sometimes love has to change over time in order to save relationships and keep the love

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