The Death Of Marat

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The Death of Marat is a painting by Jacques-Louis David. It was painted in 1793 and shows Marat after he was murdered in his bath. It is one of the most famous paintings of the French Revolution. This essay will be describing The Death of Marat, and it will describe it in terms of the history behind it and how I feel about it.
First and foremost, this essay will describe The Death of Marat. The painting depicts Jean-Paul Marat lying dead in his bath after being murdered by Charlotte Corday. The bath is lined with white sheets making it look like a bed. The white sheet on either side of Marat is stained red with blood. Marat himself is half-in and half hanging out of the bath. His head is lying on his right shoulder. It is wrapped in a white sheet with just a bit of his brown hair peeking out. His eyes are closed and the corners of his mouth are turned up into a small smile. His right arm is draped over the tub. In his right hand is a Quill. His left hand is resting on a board that lays across his bath. The board is covered in a green blanket and is over the tub. In his left hand is a petition that was given to him be Corday. On the top of the …show more content…

It is the most wonderful revolution in history. It stood for something important and many influential people came out of it, Marat was one of them. Although, Marat may have wanted to cut a bunch of people’s heads off he had reason for it. He wanted everyone to have a fair trial, including Louis. He was for the people and only the people. Even as he was lying in pain in a medicine bath he still tried to help the people. He died trying to help the people. Marat was buried under a weeping willow which is my second favorite tree. His heart was not buried with him however; it was placed in an urn because it was too pure and kind to bury. The urn was placed at an alter. I think it’s cool that his heart wasn’t buried with him because it was so

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