The Cycle Of Reincarnation: Is It Worth It?

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“Reincarnation [ree-in-kahr-ney-shuh n], noun, the belief that the soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or form.” (Reincarnation. (n.d.). Throughout history, many people have claimed to have experienced reincarnation and told of his or her past life in detail. Some describe family members, places, and events vividly, while others bare birthmarks that correspond with the trauma he or she endured. From the ancient Druids to the new age religion of Theosophy, reincarnation continues to be credulous, regardless of evidence. Many believe that complete enlightenment and self-knowledge will end the cycle of reincarnation.

Stories about reincarnation have been around for centuries. However, most sound like nothing more

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