Exploring Individuality: What Makes Us Feel Alive?

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The state of feeling alive is one that is broad and varies from person to person. When thinking about what makes people feel alive you are going beyond its literal meaning and instead figuring out what makes the person the way they are. Simply asking a person what makes them feel alive can catch them off guard. Every person is a unique individual with different mind sets. One person might feel like having control in their life is what makes them feel alive, while another person may feel that doing what they love is what gives their life meaning and makes them feel alive. Akaky Akakyevich and Hamm are both complex characters with very different mind sets and wants. Hamm is controlling and wants others to feel his pain, while Akaky wants to belong and feel valuable. These are both very different wants, but they could be brought upon by the same feelings and emotions. Ultimately we have to ask ourselves if this is the best outcome for them, and think about why they want this out of their lives. …show more content…

For work, he makes countless copies of official documents by hand. At home, he eats the same things every day, copies more documents, and goes go sleep. He is constantly the butt of many jokes at the office where he works, but he usually pays no mind. In all, he seems to be satisfied with his simple life. He takes great pleasure in his work. Gogol writes, “It would be hard to find a man who lived so much for his job. It was not sufficient to say that he worked zealously. No, his work was a labour of love to him.” (Gogol 237) Akaky’s love for his job makes me question whether he feels alive. While this type of work might not seem like the most exciting or worthwhile thing to do, it brings Akaky happiness. “Enjoyment was written on his face; some letters he was particularly fond of, and whenever he had the chance of writing them he was beside himself with joy…” (Gogol

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