The Cuban Revolution: Fidel Castro In Cuba

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Castro In Cuba
Humby Mularoni

Before the revolution Fidel Castro had studied law at the University of Havana. After realizing he was “politically illiterate” he joined a radical student group. He was then introduced to student protests, and violent culture within the university he attended. It was clear from the beginning he was anti-American. He was very passionate about anti-imperialism as well. He tried to become president of the Federation of University Students (FEU) but it was unsuccessful. He was also opposed to the corruption that was going on in the government at the time. In 1947 Castro joined the Socialist party of Cuban People, which was lead by Eduardo Chibas. Castro and Chibas had similar views about the corruption and the reforms that needed to take place. Soon after Chibas lost the election in 47, Castro received a death threat coming from gang leader trying to make him leave the university. Castro refused to give into this threat and started carrying around a gun with him. These steps that Fidel Castro took were in the direction of a rebellious Leader. That is exactly what he would become in year to come, his influence and the relationship with The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics would bring major change to Latin America.
Years later in in 1953 Castro had started a rebellion against the Cuban government which at the time was under rule of President Fulgencio Batista. It lasted until 1959; in the end Castro was victorious. Castro replaced the government in power with a socialist government, later they reformed the government to more of a communist, so they could become the Communist Party. In 1959 Castro was sworn in as prime minister. He had tried to propose a 30 billion dollar Us funded “Mars...

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.... The US state department cut international credit to Allende’s government, thus making Chile’s inflation rise into triple digits. By 1973 Chilean tanks had taken to the streets and refused Allende’s safe passage out of the country. He was eventually killed by an attack of his own armed forces. He brought this upon his self when the working class wasn’t happy with the slow rate that companies were being nationalized. This up rise had become the bloodiest up rise in the history of Latin America. Many of the supporters of the communist party had been rounded up and were tortured and killed. Many of them were put into mass graves. The military was the government for 17 years. They got rid of the legislation. This government had the US support except for the Carter administration. The actions that Chile’s military took set the tone for other Latin American militaries.

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