The Color Purple Quote Analysis

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The quote is significant in the development of a critical moment in the plot of The Color Purple, as Celie has believed her sister was dead for years before finding letters that Mr. _____ hid from her. After finding these letters she begins writing to Nettie about her own life as Nettie was doing for her. This quote made Celie believe that her sister had never received any letters sent, essentially meaning she was dead and did not know the Celie was trying to reach out to her. It came as a surprise to the entire book for Nettie to show up on her porch one day. This quote specifically shows the neediness and loneliness that encompasses Celie throughout the story, as if she was lost until Nettie came back and her entire life made sense again. This book would be changed without the placement of this specific quote, as it causes Celie to doubt her entire life, it also allows her to open up more to Mr. _____ as she finally believes that Nettie has been dead for a while. It also encompasses Celie’s forgiving and compassion capabilities that she uses after this point in the story, as she gained a new sense of love and knowledge through what she’s been through. This quote also encompasses the entire book, because Celie was constantly fighting against other …show more content…

I thought that Mr. _____ had made up Nettie and her families death just so Celie would finally get over it and lose hope in that situation. I also believe Celie’s letters never made them to Nettie due to the fact that she was overseas, as well as someone sabotaging them, such as taking them so they could not be mailed. It was a moment of confusion, as Celie was sad but did not fully react, she just went about her normal life. I had a feeling that Nettie would actually come home by the end of the book, just through the sequence of events that went throughout the

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