Analysis Of Female Genital Mutilation In Alice Walker's 'Color'

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anyone. Thus her relationship with Shug develops and becomes close friends. Shug fills the roles of mother, friend, sister, lover and teacher to her. With the help of Shug and Nettie Celie transforms from sorrow to happy, successful and independent woman. She starts new business sewing pants with the help of Shug and becomes a successful business woman. Mr. Albert who has changed a great deal since Celie’s departure repents and reconciles with his wife. Thus the family of Celie is reunited with the arrival of Nettie with her children and ends the novel with happy note. The message of the novel is that women must stand up against the unfair treatment they receive at the hands of men and they should do this by helping one another. Possessing the Secret of Joy: Rebel against the men’s control over the female body: Alice Walker’s main aim of this novel is that elimination of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) from the world. She wanted …show more content…

There are three kinds of female genital mutilation. Of the three procedures infibulation is the most serious form of female genital mutilation, as the exeternal or genetelia are almost scraped away and the normal urinary and vaginal openings are replaced by small openings in the sealed scar. The opening must be enlarged for sexual intercourse and even for child birth.(Sanderson13-61).Black Women are made to believe that “Infibulation purifies , and makes clean the outer surface of the womb , the enclosure of the home of the child birth , it socializes or culturalizes a woman’s fertility”(Janet Boddy 696). This cultural practice is considered as the gate way for a girl to enter womanhood and wifehood. The consequences of this dangerous process of Female Genital Mutilation are urinary infections, blood poisoning ,painful intercourse ,recurrent vaginal injuries in sexual acts ,and even death due to hemorrhage. Alice

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