Cultural Influence on Gender Identities: Female Genital Mutilation

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Gender identities and gender relations are determined by the culture of a society. Culture makes gender roles meet certain inescapable beliefs, assumptions, expectations, and obligations. Gender politics camouflaged by cultural norms and governed by patriarchal interests and manifested in cultural practices like female genital mutilation, make the life of women difficult and burdensome. Alice Walker’s fifth novel Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992) discusses a tabooed cultural practice called female genital mutilation, camouflaged by gender politics, that is used to subjugate women, to protect the interests of men. Female Genital Mutilation is a painful procedure considered to be a mark of true womanhood in certain cultures. The procedure …show more content…

On account of cultural influences, gender roles are institutionalized and enacted at the levels of the family, community and society. Culture makes gender roles meet certain inescapable beliefs, assumptions, expectations, and obligations. Cultural practices are treasures of a social group as they are a mark of their identity and assertion. Moreover, certain cultural practices are gender specific and are mandatorymarks of a particular gender. Moreover, there is a lot of meandering in the name of culture that goes into the making of women by patriarchy,as "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman" (Beauvoir 295). Gender politics camouflaged by cultural norms and governed by patriarchal interests and manifested in cultural practices like ‘Female Genital Mutilation’ or FGM, make the life of women difficult and burdensome. Alice Walker’s fifthnovel Possessing the Secret of Joy(1992)discusses a tabooed cultural practice called female genital mutilation, camouflaged by gender politics, that is used to subjugate women, to protect the interests of men. Walker through the novel has put forth the idea of Judith Butler of how“gender is performatively produced and compelled by regulatory practices of gender coherence . . . constituting the identity it is purported to be." …show more content…

This indicates Walker’s interest in creating an awareness for the eradication of female genital mutilation as early as 1982.Walker has discussed and protested against female genital mutilation vehemently with her vanguardal voice, in her 1992 novel Possessing the Secret of Joy. In fact, the main agenda of the novel is eradication of female genital mutilation. Walker wanted the world to know about the horrific repercussions a woman is made to face, after undergoing the procedure. Walker in an interview with David Bradley has inspiringly said : “ “I was brought up to try to see what was wrong and right it. Since I am a writer, writing is how I right it. I was brought up to look at things that are out of joint, out of balance, and to try to bring them into balance. And as a writer that’s what I do. . . ” ” ( 370).She has stood by what she has asserted, when she has condemned female genital mutilation through Possessing the Secret of Joy. Walker wrote the entire novel, based on the life experiences of women characters maimed and unmade by female genital mutilation, to create an awareness about the hazardous effects of the practice on

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