The Collapse of Weimar and the Rise of Hitler

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The Collapse of Weimar and the Rise of Hitler

In 1919, a defeated Germany was forced to abandon government under the

Kaiser, who had fled to Belgium and adopt the Weimar, a democratic but

flawed system. Soon after Hitler and the Nazi Party appeared, and

years later the Weimar Republic fell. What accounted for the fall of

the Weimar? My essay will prove that there was not a single reason,

but in fact a series of events that lead to the collapse of the


President Ebert used the Freikorp, who were a rightwing mercenary

unit, to put down the Spartacus uprising, a communist inspired

revolution. After that, Ebert was always seen as an enemy in the eyes

of the extreme left, and so consequently the government he

represented, Weimar, was also seen in the same light. Next, the Kapp

Putsch saw Dr. Kapp, leader of the Freikorp and an extreme

right-winger, try to take control of Berlin with his mercenaries.

This time Ebert used the moderate leftwing in the form of the trade

unions, to put down the revolt, by calling a general strike in the

region. This would result in the rightwing becoming against the new

republic, along with leftwing groups. But possibly the greatest

threat for early Weimar Germany was the Treaty of Versailles. The

treaty left the Weimar with a massive debt that she was unlikely to

repay. The problems that were handed to the new government and the

events that occurred as the new Republic was created can be seen as a

factor that lead to its eventually downfall.

Weimar Republic’s type of government caused another problem. Its

parliamentary system was proportional representation, allowing small,


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... events, which allowed Hitler to

undermine parliamentary democracy in Germany. Had any of these events

occurred separately there is a strong chance that the Weimar would

have been able to survive, however the effect of them all occurring

simultaneously was almost certainly the reason in which the Weimar

collapsed and allowed Hitler and the Nazi Party’s rise to power.


“Fall of Weimar and Rise of Nazis.” August 28, 2001.


Rempel, Gerhard. “The Nazi Road to Power”.



Sage, Henry J. “The Rise of Nazi Germany: The SS-State.” September 9,



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