The Characteristics Of Close Relationships

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“However successful you are, there is no substitute for a close relationship. We all need them” Francesca Annis (brainyquote). No matter how successful a person may be, nothing can take place of close relationships in peoples lives. Close relationships are vital to the well-being of all humans. Friendships and romantic relationships are considered close relationships (Miller, 2015). According to Intimate Relationships, the difference between casual relationships and intimate relationships are evident in seven specific ways: knowledge, interdependence, caring, trust, responsiveness, mutuality, and commitment. Although all seven of these components are not needed for an intimate relationship, the more qualities a relationship has the stronger the relationship is. Several of these characteristics are present in my close relationship with my best friend Hailey. I have many close relationships in my life that have impacted my life for good. One close …show more content…

As Hailey and I became best friends we began to tell each other about our hopes, dreams, and our ideas about life. Often on long bus rides home from sports trip we would have extensive and deep conversations about ourselves and share with each other aspects of our lives that we kept close to our hearts. We would tell each other who we liked and about our social lives. This allow a trust to build in our relationship because we knew that we could confide in each other. Trust is another aspect of an intimate relationship. Trust is what holds together a relationship. Without full trust in the partnership or friendship, they will never reach a level of closeness that is need for the relationship to last. Mine and Hailey’s friendship was able last through all our years of high school because we trusted each other and knew that no matter what we would have each other’s backs. We trust each other’s opinions and

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