The Changing Face Of America By Haya El Nasser

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In the article “The Changing Face of America” by Haya El Nasser, she uses Rip Van Winkle who falls asleep and wakes up twenty years later to see a drastically changed world. She talks about how if this character was to wake up again, “he would have missed a stunning American revolution – a demographic one” (117). “Change is happening fast” (119), she states in one of her paragraphs. I do agree with Nasser, we are facing change really fast. One main change that caught my attention was marriage. El Nasser informs us about how marriage is no longer the same as if it was a couple of years ago. I truly believe this is true, marriage is no longer the same picture we used to see a couple of years ago.
Marriage was always the idea of a man and a woman, but we no longer see this in existence anymore. In the article El Nasser talks about how less than half of households are traditional husband-and-wife arrangements. We have now seen that marriage between two men or two women is now acceptable. Just this year the United States legalize same sex marriage. Which is a great thing because no longer are these couples holding back from being united by law. To me it’s something so impressive on how fast this change has occurred. Just five years ago if this topic was to be brought up, people would …show more content…

Yes, we still see hatred from other people but these people are the generation that was brought with the idea that marriage is between a man and a woman. And I am happy to say that I love the fact that these couple can no longer receive such hatred as they did back then. I accept gay marriage and I think it is a great thing that the U.S. finally change the way we look at this problem. And yes, we have seen a dramatic change in diversity in this country. I hope that we continue in the steps we are heading and create a much greater and peaceful

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