The Breakfast Club: Sexual Identity

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The Breakfast Club had shown us many different things including: parents role in a child's life, drug use, and sexual identity. Parents have an important role in their child's life they are to teach their child from right to wrong. They are also to teach their child how ot be a good person and have strong connections with others. Drug use can be a big issue and more than 50% of teen have tried alcohol or have done drugs before they were out of high school. Drug can affect how you act towards others and can affect your brain activity. Sexual identity can be a big issue in our world today, because everyone puts a label on what you are. People often think you are different if you're not just a male or female. Sexual identity has changed over the years you used to be considered just a female or just a male. The Breakfast Club gives us an example of parents role, drug use, and sexual identity.
Parents are an important role in students life. Children often times think that they can be independant without having thier parents control. Parents and their daughters are more likely to get into a fight because of routine, and day-to-day …show more content…

We saw that they were all talking bad about their parents and telling each other how they did not get along. In the movie we also saw Clare and Brian admit that they were both virgins. Another example is when John hides Marijuana in his locker. The movie had also showed many other things but these were the main topics that had stuck out to me. I see more and more kids who drink alcohol or do drugs. I also see people including myself getting in fights with my parents about little things, or disrespecting them. In high school it seems like their are more and more people who are identifying their true sexual identity without being scared of others labeling them. The Breakfast Club was really easy to relate to and had showed people many

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