The Brain in Love

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The Brain in Love by Daniel G. Amen; just from the introduction of the book I was already able to tell the book was going to be a great read. Amen starts the book by giving statements which to me sounded like statements of when a person is in love with another. Some example, “You beat in my heart. I crave you. I need you next to men.” (Amen, The Brain in Love, pg 1). Amen states that the brain is the largest sex organ and that size does matter when it comes to sex. Our brains help us with everything like who we find attractive, how well we do on a date or how to even deal with a breakup. He also explains the while in a relationship you brain will work either good or bad. When the brain is working go within a relationship a person tends to be more playful, thoughtful, and loving to his/her partner. When the brain is “acting up” in a relationship a person may be impulsive, hateful, and angry. Also, since the brain is known as the “largest sex organ” the size of the brain does matter and, as male/females get older the brain active and size begins to decrease; with the decrease of both brain active and size which was why sexual desire will decrease within age and in men 40% of men in their forties and 70% of men in their seventies had Erectile Dysfunction. Aging within women menopause was the negative affect of sexual interest and performance.
Amen shares these two funny stories within the book that made laugh; which one was about a woman who was forty-one years old and, she would have seizures but only when she would brush her teeth. Isn’t that so weird right? I know. But her seizure would always start with being sexually aroused first; it is as if she was ready to have an orgasm. But, after this sensation passed she wou...

... middle of paper ... things. Sex for both men and women hold the key to many positive thing for example, better moods, better memory, fewer cold and flu, lighter periods, more regular menstrual cycles, improves sleep, can help prevent cancer, and also great way to stay in shape. How is this possible? Fewer cold and flus is possible because, “people who have regular sexual activity have a third higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), an antibody that boost the immune system and can help fight colds and flu.” (Amen, The Brain in Love, pg 13). Sexual activity can help prevent cancer within males. Prostate Cancer is a common type of cancer within males and one way to help prevent this is for a male “to at least ejaculate more than 5 times a week. By ejaculating that many times levels of oxytocin and DHEA will increase which helps prevent cancer.” (Amen, The Brain in Love, pg 16).

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