The Blockade Research Paper

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The Blockade in Parcheesi "Are you guys ready?" I ask my family for the second or third time. "Yeah," my sister Carly responds while fast-walking to the dinner table with her usually cleaning outfit on, sweatpants, sweater, a cap (today on backwards), and a small red cleaning towel on her shoulder. We had just finished eating Sunday dinner at my grandma Chauncey's house We almost always eat dinner with my grandma on Sunday. I have been waiting for about five or ten minutes, after I helped clean off the table. Then my dad, my grandma, and I sat down at my grandma's wood dinner table while my sister Carly grabbed the Parcheesi board game. The colors of the Parcheesi box looked vibrant compared to the dark brown wood table. The sun shining brightly …show more content…

Parcheesi is a lot like the board game 'Sorry', but Parcheesi has blockades, safe spaces, and some other exciting things. Your goal is to get all your players to the end, that is how you win the game. The after we got things going, and we all had most of our players out my dad set up a blockade right on his starting place, which prevented us from continuing. A blockade is when you put two of one color on a space. My dad said he would keep it up until he had gotten his other two players at the end. After a while my dad's plan got slightly annoying. It started to drive everyone else crazy. Once or twice my grandma landed on one of my dad's players' spaces and sent his player back to the start. I don't know how but every time he got a player sent back to start he was able to put it out and not break his blockade. It started to drive me crazy and it didn't help it was so hot I felt like I was in an oven. Then finally my dad got one of his players at the end and one only a few spaces away. My dad had to move his players to break the blockade. My grandma, my sister and I had been waiting for him to move his player for probably thirty minutes. "He finally moved it. Yes!" I thought to

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