The Benefits Of Life Coaching

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Do you want to...

Improve your self-confidence?

Enhance your relationships?

Evolve to the highest and best version of you?

Achieve your goals faster?

Improve your work-life balance?

Then life coaching might be for you.

The benefits of using a coach extend far beyond acquiring a new lens in which to view challenges. Coaching clients gain deeper awareness and new levels of understanding. These are not one-time events, but life-changing perspectives that become embedded in the client 's way of thinking. Coaches enable their clients to create a mindset needed to sustain change. Successful coaches help their clients maximize effectiveness and drive results.

"Coaching is designed to help you stay focused -- to practice "planned abandonment" …show more content…

In addition, the survey indicates that professional coaching provides a very good return on investment (ROI) for clients. Per the study, "The median personal ROI indicates that those who seek a financial gain can expect a return in the range of 3.44 times their investment."

"When a society is rich and triumphant, its people start to ask not just what can be had from life, but how can I live a life that 's worth living." -- Dr. Martin Seligman, former president of the American Psychological Association and author of Authentic Happiness
What exactly is life coaching?

ICF defines coaching as "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today 's uncertain and complex environment. Coaches honor the client as the expert in his or her life and work and believe every client is creative, resourceful and whole. Standing on this foundation, the coach 's responsibility is to:

Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve

Encourage client …show more content…

The practice of coaching embodies a unique skill set designed to optimize the performance of a person or organization in diverse arenas including leadership, healthcare, and public service."

What areas do most people seek life coaching?

Individuals as well as corporations and organizations hire coaches for a variety of reasons. Coaches are often hired to determine the root cause of an issue quickly and effectively. Then, coaches guide their clients to create a new mindset that sustains change. This new mindset enables clients to maximize their effectiveness.

It is interesting to note that 58% of ICF survey respondents engaged in Life, Vision, & Enhancement coaching, followed by Business coaching (36%), Leadership coaching (33%), Executive coaching (30%), Career Transition coaching (25%), and Relationship coaching (17%).

Furthermore, a recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) article, " What Can Coaches Do for You," defines the top 3 reasons coaches are engaged: (1) develop high-potential individuals or facilitate transitions for individuals, (2) act as a sounding board, and (3) address derailing

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