The Benefits Of Chia

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Chia (Salvia Hispanic, is a Mexican plant of the family of Labiatae, herbaceous, 1 to 1.50 m. In height. For centuries the native people of America have used it as their staple food, because it is a complete source protein, providing all essential amino acids. It is a sustainable and organic products, the high content of essential oils Omega 3 and Omega 6, act as an extreme and powerful insect repellent, avoiding the need to use chemicals to protect crops. It has no cholesterol and is gluten free. It can be stored for years without packaging materials and special storage conditions. Chia seed has from 19% to 23% protein. This percentage compares favorably with other nutritional grains such as wheat (14%), corn (14%), rice (8.5%). However unlike other grains, protein amino acids chia have no limiting factors in the diet of adults. Chia seed is a good source of vitamin "B", calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and copper. As a source of protein chia, after ingestion, is digested and absorbed very easily, this is as rapid transport to tissues and utilization by the cells. The water and methanol extracts seed once been crushed showed a strong antioxidant activity. …show more content…

Thus antioxidants Chia seed gives it a huge advantage over all other sources of omega 3 fatty acids, as they allow to be stored for years without deteriorating the taste, odor or nutritional value. Its high fiber content (33.6%), can increase the volume of fecal bolus passing through the digestive tract, which is mainly due to its ability to absorb water. Consequently feces become bulkier and soft, due to the increased hydration. Besides increasing the size of fecal stimulates intestinal transit, reducing their stay in these organs, while regulating bowel movements, preventing constipation, diverticulitis and colon

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